* Avrl 20: Open Dag Domijn, un regard sur l'atelier, Weesp
* Mai 9: CODA, Apeldoorn - Headspace
* Mai 17 & 18: De Karavaan, Alkmaar - Headspace
* Mai 25 & 26: Theater aan Twater, Boom, BE - Headspace
* Juin 8 & 9: Kunst van Hier tot Ginder, Okkenbroek - Headspace
* Juin 22 & 23: EEF, Zeeland - Headspace
* Juin 29: ASBL Defo, Luik, BE - Headspace
* Juil 28: Totaalfestival, Bladel - Headspace
* Août 8, 9 & 10: Buskers Bern, CH - Café the Glowing Pickle
* Août17 & 18: Puppet theatre Westflügel, Leipzig, DE- Café the Glowing Pickle
* Août 29-Sep 1: Circus Bende, Amsterdam - Café the Glowing Pickle
* Sep 5-8: At.tension, Larz, DE - Café the Glowing Pickle
* Sep 21: Sierk Masjiek, Ronse, BE - Headspace
* Oct 25-27:'Wunder', Munich - Headspace
* Nov 1 & 2: festival Pupazzi, Laval, FR - Headspace
* Avrl 2: Plein theater, Amsterdam - Headspace
* Avrl 14, 15 & 16: Jardin Rouge Festival, Amsterdam - Zeecontainer & Dirk
* Avrl 29, 30 & Mai 1: 'Podium Parias' Mortagne sur Gironde, FR - Headspace
* Mai 26: Weespers aan de wand, Weesp - Dirk
* 26-29 Mai: " " - exhibition
* Juin 4: Zomer in de Mare, Alkmaar - Headspace
* Juin 11: Kiddstock, Rotterdam - Mono
* Juin 24: Zomerbries, Ede - Headspace
* Juin 25: 'festival Plein Publique' Roeselare BE - Mono
* Juin 30 & Juil 1 & 2: STAMP Festival, DE - Headspace
* Juil 22 & 23: FITZ, Stuttgart DE - Headspace
* Juil 28: Landjuweel Ruigoord - Mono
* Aout 17-20: Circusbende, Amsterdam - Mono & plus
* Aout 31-Sep 3: Circusbende, Amsterdam - Mono & plus
* Sep 8: Festival MAAS, Maastricht - Headspace
* Sep 9: Monheimer Kulturwerke, DE - Headspace
* Sep 16 & 17: Oeverloos, Zutphen - Headspace
* Oct 7 & 8: 'le Channel' Calais, FR - Headspace
* Nov + Dec: Tolhuis Amsterdam exposition in 'Metroscope'
* Mars 4-6 & 11-13: Jardin Rouge Festival, Ijzerstaven, Amsterdam - EXPO
* Mars 11,12 & 13: " " - Headspace
* Mai 7: ADM-Noord, Amsterdam - Mono
* Mai 26-29: 'Hemeltjelief' Amsterdam - Mono
* Juin 3-6: 'BILDSTÖRUNG' Detmold, DE - Headspace
* Juin 24-26: 'Couleur Cafe' Brussel, BE - Headspace
* Juin 8-10: 'Les Machines' Nantes, FR - Headspace
* Juil 15 & 16: 'Podring Festival' Biel, CH - Headspace
* Août 18-21: 'Cabaret Vert' Charleville Mezieres, FR - Headspace
* Août 26-28: 'Zürcher Theater Spektakel' Zurich, CH - Headspace
* Sep 2-4: 'PannOpticum' Neusiedl am See, AU - Headspace
* Sep 8-11: 'At.tension' Larz, DE - Headspace
* Sep 25: 'Festival Découvertes GEANTS et minuscules' BE - Headspace
* Oct 1: 'Open Domijn' Weesp - atelier ouvert
* 19 Décembre 2020-9 Février 2021 - * NoN Virtual Reality
* Mai 29 & 30: Rode Bioscoop 13u00-17u00, Amsterdam - NoNVR
* Juin 24-27: Le Théâtre de Laval, FR - Headspace
* Juillet 27-Août 4: Musicalarue, Luxey, FR - Headspace
* Août 21&22, 28&29, Sep 4&5 : Circusbende, Amsterdam - tryout 'café the glowing pickle'
* Sep 17-21: Touche du Bois, Marionnettes de Charleville Mezieres, FR - tryout 'café the glowing pickle'
* Sep 22-24: 1x1Soir, Huy, BE - Headspace
* Sep 26: Maker Faire Eindhoven, NL
* Oct 23 & 24: festival Lumières sur le Quai, Toulouse, FR - Headspace
* March 12-14: XS festival, Brussels BE - Dirk
* Sep 26 & 27: Festival La Rue est à Amiens, FR -Headspace
* Dec: Dok Huis Galerie, Amsterdam - NoN Virtual Reality
* 26-30 Dec: Cité des Sciences, Paris - Headspace
* 11 Mai: Open Domijn, Weesp NL - Headspace/Dirk
* 18 & 19 Mai: Festival Biennale internationale des arts de la marionnette
Paris, Ville de Pantin - Headspace
* 25 Mai: Friese Straat Theater Festival, Leeuwarden NL - Headspace
* 1 & 2 June: festival Des ROnds dans l’eau, Hennebont FR - Headspace
* 8 & 9 June: l'Autre festival, Capdenac FR - Headspace
* 15 June: les Petit Pois, Clamart FR - Headspace
* 16 June: Zomer in de Mare, Alkmaar NL - Headspace
* 21-24 June: the 25th International Festival Theatre European Regions,
Czech Republic - Headspace
* 29 & 30 June: Visueelfestivalvisual BE - Headspace
* 2 July:
les Virevoltes, Vire FR - Headspace
* 4-7 July: Tombees de la Nuit, Rennes FR - Headspace
* 20 & 21 July: PuppetBukers Festival, Gent BE - Headspace
* 12-25 Aug: Denmark’s International Street Theatre Festival - Headspace
* 6 & 7 Sep: Misty Fields festival, NL - Headspace
* 14 & 15 Sep: Street Theater Festival of Ramonville, FR - Headspace
* 20-22 Sep: MAF, Santander ES- Headspace
*25-27 Mai: 'Orbis Pictus' Reims FR - Headspace
*1-3 June: 'Hinterhalt' Uster CH - Headspace
*9 & 10 June: 'Supervliegsupermouche' Brussel BE- Headspace
*15-23 June: 'Oerol' NL - Headspace
*30 June: 'Indische Buurt Festival' Amsterdam NL - Dirk
*6-8 July: 'Deventer Op Stelten' NL - Headspace
*11 & 12 July: 'RéciDives' Dives-sur-Mer FR - Headspace
*14 July: festival des marionnettes de Bernay FR - Headspace
*19-22 July: 'Chalon dan la rue' Chalon sur Saône FR - Headspace
*4 & 5 Aug: 'CircusBende' Amsterdam NL - Headspace
*19 Aug: 'Poppenkast Festival op de Dam' Amsterdam NL - Headspace
*24-26 Aug: 'Cirk! Aalst' BE - Headspace
*29 Aug-2 Sep: 'myRobotcenter/Zukunft schon heute' Dornbirn AUT - Dirk
*15 Sep: 'RobotLove' Eindhoven NL - Dirk
*20 & 21 Sep: ADM-Festival, Amsterdam NL - ?
*22 Sep: Nijmeegse Kunstnacht, NL- Headspace
*29 & 30 Sep: 'Brandersfeesten' Schiedam NL - Mono & Dirk
*20-25 Okt: 'De Betovering' Den Haag NL - Headspace
*25 March: Almere, NL- Dirk the homeless robot
*19-21 Mai: Int. Figurentheater-Festival Erlangen, DE - Headspace
*26 & 27 Mai: 'FESTIVALOVE EDITION' Scandiano, IT - Headspace
*2-4 June: 'Artisti in Piazza' Pennabilli, IT - Headspace
*9-11 June: 'Asfaltart' Meran, IT - Headspace
*8 & 9 July: 'SOMMER SZENE festival'Saarbrücken, DE
*14-16 July: 'Zwarte Cross' Lichtenvoorde, NL - Headspace
*23 July: 'Zonnemaire', Zeeland, NL - Headspace
*28 & 29 July: 'Olala' Lienz, AT - Headspace
*10-12 August: 'Buskers Bern', CH - Headspace
*18-20 August: 'Jet Leg Festival' ADM, Amsterdam, NL - Headspace
*2 & 3 September: 'Brouwsels op Straat' Eke, BE - Headspace
*15-17 September: 'Robodonien', Köln, DE - Headspace
*19-24 September: Festival Mondial de Marionnettes de Charleville, FR - Headspace
*16 & 17 Dec: 'Genappe perd la Boule', Genappe BE - Headspace
various festivals and events, like:
*Theater Boulevard, Den Bosch, NL
*les Machines de l'ile, Nantes, FR
*LUTKE festival, Ljubljana, SI
*Mercè Arts de Carrer, Barcelona, ES
*Puppetinternational, Meppel, NL
*Festival international des Arts de la rue Chassepierre, BE
*Titirimundi, Segovia, ES
*Figura Theaterfestival, Baden, CH
*Mañana Mañana, Hummelo, NL
*Internationales Straßentheaterfestival Ludwigshafen, DE
various festivals and events, like:
*Ars Electronica in the Knowledge Capital, Osaka, Japan
*Copenhagen Puppet Festival, DK
*Mai-li Mai-lo, BE
*Midzomernacht, Vis a Vis, Almere, NL
*Efteling, NL
*Zwarte Cross, NL
*Robodonien, DE
*Djeema el Fna,NL
*ADM festival, NL
*Theater Boulevard, 's Hertogenbosch, NL
*SESI Bonecos, Brazil
*Boomtown, GB
*Kultursommer Hachenburg, DE
*Art de la rue, Tourville, FR
*Zomerzondagen, Rotterdam, NL
• National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan
• Les Machines de L'ile, Nantes, France
• Circus&co, BE
• Fête du Carré, Senart, FR
• Klinker for Kids, Brugge, BE
• Boomtown, GB
• Serralves em Festa, Porto, PT
• Oerol, Terschelling, Nl
• Fusion, DE
• Kröller-Müller Museum
• Lugano Buskers Festival, CH
• Ludwigshafen, DE
• ZOO, Cologne, DE - Mono
• Tijd Festival ADM, Amsterdam
• Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
• Motel Mozaïque Festival, Rotterdam
• Festival of Fools, Belfast
• Festival Internacional de Teatre de Teresetes de Mallorca
• Figure Theatre Festival 'Blickwechsel', Magdeburg, DE
• Europees Figurentheatercentrum, Gent, BE
• SOMMER SZENE, Saarbrücken, DE
• Kröller-Müller Museum, NL
• Olala, Lienz, AT
• MITA, puppet theatre festival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
• Festival de Bonecos, puppet festival in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
• Festival internacional de teatro de bonecos Canela, Brazil
• ARS Electronica, art/technology festival in Linz, Austria
• European Street Theatre Festival, Detmold, Germany
• FIMFA, puppet theatre festival in Lissabon, Portugal
• Trapezi, circus/street theatre festival in Reus, Spain
• Fira de Titelles, puppet theatre festival in Lleida, Spain
• KUD Festival, street theatre festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia
• PUF Festival, puppet theatre festival in Koper , Slovenia
• Puppet Junior festival, Copenhagen, Danmark
• Poppenfestival Meppel, puppet festival, Netherlands
• Festival Int. des arts de la Rue, Chassepierre, Belgium
• KUNSTen op Straat, street theatre festival in Overijsel, Netherlands
• Singapore Arts Festival, Singapore
• Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes, Charleville-Mezieres, France
• Les Machines de L'ile, home of company ‘La Machine’ in Nantes, France
• International Body Arts Festival in Nancy, France
• Zomer van Antwerpen, 2 months theatre, film & arts, Belgium
• Mira Miro, street theatre festival in Gent, Belgium
• Puppetbuskers Festival, Gent, Belgium
• Trapezi, int. circus/street theatre festival in Reus, , Spain
• Titirimundi, puppet festival in Segovia, Spain
• Zwarte Cross, Netherlands
• ‘Perth International Arts Festival’ in Australia
• ‘Sesi Bonecos’ int. puppet festival Brazil
• ‘Tweetakt’ childrens theatre festival Utrecht
• ‘Namur en Mai’ street theatre festival in Belgium
• ‘Festival du Mime et de l’Automate ‘ Souillac Fr.
• Festival Internacional de las Artes, arts festival in Salamanca, Spain
• ‘The Mercé Festival’ arts & music festival Barcelona
• ‘Internationaal Poppentheater Festival’ int. puppet theatre festival in Dordrecht
• ‘Midsummer Festival Cork’ international arts festival in Ireland
• ‘Boom’ outdoor arts & music festival in Portugal
• ‘Chalon Dans la Rue’, Chalon-sur-Saone
• ‘Zomerzondagen’ outdoor theatre/music days in Rotterdam
• ‘Sesi Bonecos’ puppet festival in Brazil
• ‘Cirque du Science’ circus/technolgie festival Luxembourg
• ‘Robodock’ art/technologie festival in Amsterdam
• ‘Titirimundi’ puppet theatre festival in Segovia/Spain
• ‘Fira de Teatre de Titelles de Lleida’, puppet theatre festival Spain
• ‘STRP’ art/technologie festival in Eindhoven
• ‘Tweetakt’ childrens theatre festival Utrecht
• ‘Interferencia’ street-art festival in Barcelona
• ‘Festival les Zaccros d'ma Rue’ street theatre festival in Never/France
• ‘Poppen in t Park’ Puppet Festival in Amersfoort
• ‘PASS’ museum for science and technologie in Belgium
• TU, technological university celebration Eindhoven
• Parade’ theatre/circus festival Amsterdam
• STRP’ art/technologie festival in Eindhoven
• ‘Robodock’ art/technologie festival in Amsterdam
• ‘Mysteryland’ dance festival Netherlands
• ‘Todaysart Festival, arts festival in The Hague
• ‘Save the Robots’ exhibition in ‘the Arc’ in Dublin
• ‘Landjuweel’ outdoor arts festival in Ruigoord
• ‘Virus’ outdoor festival Eindhoven
• ‘Oerol’ theatre festival on Terschelling
• stadschouwburg, city-theatre Utrecht
...and many more