Café the Glowing Pickle

In recent years, Electric Circus has focused on automatic miniature performances. 'on the spot generated animations' without screen or projections (!): all characters and scenes are physically present and all sounds are generated acoustically by machines. This technique is quite unique in street theater, 'Headspace' was the first result. In 2021, Electric Circus started developing a 2nd installation, after some distraction and delay, construction has resumed. 'Café the Glowing Pickle' will be on display from August 2024.

'Café the Glowing Pickle'
..Is a miniature cafe the size of a small kitchen table. The customers in the cafe are all little live-like robots. The public is invited to sit very close by, for them it feels like they are among te drinking crowd.
At first it is not the most exiting bar, everybody seems bored, but then the door opens with a squeaking sound.. a stranger comes in and that changes everything…

The sound of that squeaking door was the inspiration for this story. An extensive investigation has been carried out (and is still going) to the acoustic and mechanical generation of a squeaking door and other particular bar-sounds. In the little story of 4 minutes eventually the chaotic bar noises transform in a real ritmic piece.

The miniature theater itself is placed in the van of Electric Circus, the visitors stand outside the van; they can lean at the bar under a tent/canopy hanging on the van. The bar fits in with the interior of the miniature cafe (in the van), is almost part of it. The audience sees Café the Glowing Pickle behind the bar where the story about the little regulars unfolds.

The 5-minute performance can be experienced in groups of about 10 visitors.

Its music without speakers and animation without screen.